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Good Things Teclado




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Good Things


Tono:  E Más
Good Things Key BB
Good Things Key CC
Good Things Key C#C#
Good Things Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
Good Things Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Good Things Key EE(tono original)
Good Things Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Good Things Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
Good Things Key GG
Good Things Key G#G#
Good Things Key AA
Good Things Key A#A#

Repeat, go into verses 

E                Ab                 A             E 
got this feeling when i heard your name the other day 
                 Ab               A      E 
couldn't say it, couldn't make it go away  
                   Ab                   A           E 
it's a hard place, can't be friends, we can't be enemies 
                    Ab                   A        Am     E  Am 
it's just too much, feel the weight crushing down on my face 

    Ab              A        Am     E   Am 
the hardest part is things already said 
Ab              A        Am      E   Am 
getting better, worse, i cannot tell 
Ab                 A     Am    E     Am 
why do good things never wanna stay? 
     Ab                    A          Am    E 
some things you lose, some things you give away 

               Ab             A         E 
broken pieces, try to make it good again 
                Ab              A         E 
is it worth it, will it make me sick today 
                  Ab                A     E 
it's a dumb song, but i'll write it anyway 
                     Ab            A        Am     E  Am 
it's an old mistake, but we always make it, why do we 

    Ab              A        Am    E    Am 
the hardest part is things already said 
Ab               A       Am     E    Am 
getting better, worse, i cannot tell 
Ab                 A     Am    E     Am 
why do good things never wanna stay? 
     Ab                    A          Am    E 
some things you lose, some things you give away 

E    A                Ab 
this time, it'll be alright 
     A           Am  E 
this time, it'll be okay 
     A                Ab 
this time, it'll be alright 
     A           Am  E   Am 
this time, it'll be okay 

    Ab              A        Am    E   Am 
the hardest part is things already said 
Ab              A        Am     E   Am 
getting better, worse, i cannot tell 
Ab                 A     Am    E    Am 
why do good things never wanna stay? 
     Ab                    A          Am    E  Am 
some things you lose, some things you give away 
     Ab                    A          Am    E 
some things you lose, some things you give away 

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Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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