A Day to Remember

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Good Things (acoustic) Teclado

A Day to Remember



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Good Things (acoustic)

	  Db                      F# 
Hello, you don't seem like yourself. 
Bbm                     F# 
At least from what I knew  

You're somebody else.    
Db                              Bbm 
Oh no, it's so much harder to take 
Took me four years to realize you're a fake. 
Fm      F# 
But I won't lie. 
                Db              Ab              Db 
I'd forfeit all of the rest of my time to patch things up  
F#                                      Ab 
Just to take back what you stole of mine. 

Good things don't end, they end badly.  
Bbm             F#                      Db 
I have been here before and I'm all out of luck.  

It's not working out.  
F#                      Bbm 
We're just not working out. 

F#      Fm      F#                              Db              Bbm 
You know, I grew so tired of the games you persistently played where  
I took all the blame. 
It's true, you're just unhappy with you.  
          Bbm                Eb          Ab 
You drink every night so you can't think things through. 
Fm     Db   F#             Db      Ab 
And I, I tried to give you peace of mind.  
               Fm          F#                        Ab 
One day you'll wake up and realize what's passed you by. 

Good things don't end, they end badly.  
Bbm             F#                      Db 
I have been here before and I'm all out of luck.  

It's not working out.  
F#                      Bbm 
We're just not working out. 

Good things don't end, they end badly 
Bbm                   F# 
You've gotta lotta of nerve and  
And I'm not catching up. 

It's not working out. 
F#                    Cm 
It's just not working out. 

You say it's over.  
I say "What's the rush?" 
No matter what, it's never enough.  
You don't care.  
                 Db      F#    Ab      
I knew you never cared. 

You say it's over.  
I say "What's the rush?" 
No matter what, it's never enough.  
You don't care.  
                 Db      F#    Ab      
Ya know that I ain't scared. 

Db                     Eb 
Good things don't end, they end badly.  
Bbm             F#                      Db 
I have been here before and I'm all out of luck.  

It's not working out.  
F#                      Bbm 
We're just not working out. 

Db            Bbm 
(You had a good thing)  
F#             Db 
(You lost a good thing) 

F#                Db            Bbm 
Good things don't end, they end badly. 
                       F#                       Db 
You've gotta lotta of nerve and I'm not catching up.  
It's not working out. 
It's just not working out. 
Bbm               Db               Db 
Good things don't end, they end badly. 

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