Jonathan Roy

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Good Things Teclado

Jonathan Roy



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Good Things

Tono:  Dm Más
Good Things Key AmAm
Good Things Key A#mA#m
Good Things Key BmBm
Good Things Key CmCm(Disminuir uno tono)
Good Things Key C#mC#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Good Things Key DmDm(tono original)
Good Things Key D#mD#m(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Good Things Key EmEm(Aumentar uno tono)
Good Things Key FmFm
Good Things Key F#mF#m
Good Things Key GmGm
Good Things Key G#mG#m
Dm F C Bb 

verse 1 
Dm        F            C          Bb           Dm      F 
  This is just an imaginary conversation I had with myself 
         C             Bb 
Last night around 12 o'clock 
      Dm                      F                     C 
I said don't you call her and don't you make contact 
Let it go, that girl won't come back 
Dm           C             Bb 
  So hard to listen to that and just admit the truth 

        Gm Dm                     F 
But she gone, get it through your head 
It's only the first part 
           Gm F                    C 
But she is gone and you will never guess 

What is the worst part 

Gm Dm It's when the good things happen to me F C I used to call you up immediately Gm Dm I got so many good things coming my way F C But there is no one to call today Gm Dm It's when the good things happen to me F C I used to take a picture so you could see Gm Dm And that's the first thing I used to do F And it's the worst thing there is C Gm About not being together with you, together oh
verse 2 Dm F C And this is just an excerpt of my mind Bb Dm I just keep spinning around all the time F C Can't you make it stop? Can't you make it stop? Bb I wanna know Pre-Chorus Gm Dm F But she gone, get it through your head C It's only the first part Gm F C But she is gone and you will never guess What is the worst part
Gm Dm It's when the good things happen to me F C I used to call you up immediately Gm Dm I got so many good things coming my way F C But there is no one to call today Gm Dm It's when the good things happen to me F C I used to take a picture so you could see Gm Dm And that's the first thing I used to do F And it's the worst thing there is C N.C. About not being together with you, together
Bridge Gm (Only when the good things) Dm Only when the good things F (Only when the good things) C Only when the good things Gm (Only when the good things) Dm Only when the good things F C (Only when the good things) Gm Dm I got so many good things F C But I got no one to call Gm Dm Good, good, good things F Yeahhh
Gm Dm It's when the good things happen to me F C I used to call you up immediately Gm Dm I got so many good things coming my way F C But there is no one to call today Gm Dm It's when the good things happen to me F C I used to take a picture so you could see Gm Dm And that's the first thing I used to do F And that's the worst thing there is C Gm About not being together with you Dm F C Bb Together with you
Outro Gm Dm Only when the good things C Only when the good things

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