Last Lover

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Let Me Ukulele tab

Last Lover



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Let Me

Tono:  C
Intro: C  F 
       C  F 

       C                   F               C  F 
I can touch the clouds of heaven when I think 
       C                 F                G  G4 G 
I can see a chance where only sees the need 

           Am                  F 
Why have guilt weighing on my back 
       Am                      F             G 
If forgiveness and freedom are under my control? 

C       A          Dm                       G 
Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be 
         C      A 
You can let me live 
          Dm            G              C  F C F 
I don't know what will be, but let me live 

           C                   F             C  F 
How many things I've lost for not believe in me  
       C              F              G  G4 G 
Maybe today could be living like a king 

          Am              F 
How many times I lost my faith 
           Am                          F              G 
If all I needed was the courage and strength to move on 

C       A          Dm                       G 
Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be 
         C      A 
You can let me live 
          Dm            G 
I don't know what will be 

C       A          Dm                       G 
Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be 
         C      A 
You can let me live 
          Dm            G              C   F 
I don't know what will be, but let me live 
        C   F 
Let me live 

Dm                  G 
I am tired of this manipulation 
Dm           G           C   Em 
Killing my freedom to believe 
        Am G 
And to see 

Solo C  A  Dm  G 

C       A          Dm                      G 
Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be 
         C      A 
You can let me live 
          Dm           G 
I don't know what will be 
C       A          Dm                      G 
Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be 
         C      A 
You can let me live 
          Dm            G              C   F C F 
I don't know what will be, but let me live 
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