Elvis Presley

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(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear Ukulele tab

Elvis Presley


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(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear

(Kal Mann/Bernie Lowe)

Tono:  C
	  Verse 1: 
Baby let me be, your lovin' teddy bear  
F                                           C 
Put a chain around my neck, and lead me anywhere  
Oh let me be (oh let him be) 
Your teddy bear  
F G I don't wanna be a tiger F G Cause tigers play too rough F G I don't wanna be a lion F G C Cause lions ain't the kind you love enough
Verse 2: C Just wanna be, your teddy bear F C Put a chain around my neck, and lead me anywhere G Oh let me be (oh let him be) C Your teddy bear Verse 3: C Baby let me be, around you every night F Run your fingers through my hair C And cuddle me real tight G Oh let me be (oh let him be) C Your teddy bear REPEAT CHORUS REPEAT VERSE 2 G Oh let me be (oh let him be) C Your teddy bear, I just wanna be your teddy bear
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