Wrinkle Neck Mules

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Lowlight Ukulele tab

Wrinkle Neck Mules



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Tono:  F

Em              G         Em               G 
A Stonehenge of truck beds and third world dogs 
C                     G 
Cats scatter from the smokehouse 
Digging and scratching 
F                             C 
Digging and scratching at the ground 
Em               G          Em       G      C 
This walking and roaming and can collecting 
C                     G 
Never made me no rich man 
But Mountain Dew and malt liquor 
F                                            C 
Mountain Dew and malt liquor could pave this land 

Dm I know its you out there F C I know its you out there in the lowlight Dm I know its you out there F C I know its you out there in the lowlight
Solo Em G Em G C G F C
Dm I know its you out there F C I know its you out there in the lowlight Dm I know its you out there F C I know its you out there in the lowlight
Verse Em G F Gather ‘em up, pennies on the dollar C Dm F Shine on boys, we’re going to make ‘em scream and holler Em G F Gather ‘em up, pennies on the dollar C Dm C Shine on boys, we’re going to make ‘em scream..... and holler Verse Em G Em G C Everybody wants to know what goes on in the trailers C G 'till the storm invites them all inside F Flapping and blowing F C Flapping and blowing drops the jaws wide
Dm I know its you out there F C I know its you out there in the lowlight Dm I know its you out there F C I know its you out there in the lowlight Dm I know its you out there F C I know its you out there in the lowlight
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