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Bad Ukulele tab



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Áño: 1984 - Álbum: Best Of 1980-1990

(Bono / Clayton / Edge / Mullen)

	  Intro:  Asus4  A  Asus4  A   Dsus2  D  Dsus2  D 
Asus4  A  Asus4  A  Dsus2  D  Dsus2  D 
If    you twist and turn away. 
Asus4 A   Asus4    A       Dsus2  D  Dsus2     D 
If    you tear yourself in two again.
Asus4  A      Asus4 A 
If I   could, yes I would
   Dsus2  D    Dsus2 D        Asus4  A   Asus4  A
If I    could, I would let it go.
  Dsus2  D  Dsus2  D    Asus4  A  Asus4  A   Dsus2  D  Dsus2  D 
Surren-der,          dislocate.
If I could throw this lifeless life-line to the wind.
Leave this heart of clay, see you walk, walk away.
Into the night and through the rain.
Into the half-light and through the flame.
If I could throw myself, set your spirit free.
I'd lead your heart away, see you break, break away
Into the light and to the day.
  A                    D 
  Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo  Hoo, hoo.
  A                      D 
  Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo  Hoo, hoo.
            A              D
  To let it go, And so to fade away.
            A           D
  To let it go, And so fade away.
  I'm wide awake.
             G           E
  I'm wide awake. wide awake,
          Dsus2   Asus4 A   Asus4 A    Dsus2  D ...
  I'm not sleeping,         oh, no, no.
If you should ask then maybe
They tell you what I would say.
True colors fly in blue and black,
Bruised silken skies and burning flag.
Colors crash, collide in blood shot eyes.
  A                    D 
  Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo  Hoo, hoo.
  If I could, you know I would.
  If I could, I would let it go.
This desparation.  Dislocation. 
Separation.  Condemnation. 
Revelation.  Temptation. 
Isolation.  Desolation.
Let it go, and so to fade away.
To let it go, and so fade away.
Oh, no I'm wide awake.
I'm wide awake.
I'm not sleeping.  Oh, no no
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