Thin Lizzy

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Whiskey In The Jar Ukulele tab

Thin Lizzy


eddy watson

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Whiskey In The Jar

(Dp, Brian Michael Downey, Eric Bell, Philip Parris Lynott)

Tono:  G
	  Am   G   Em  
   G                     Em  
As I was goin' over, the Cork and Kerry mountains  
  C                            G  
I saw Captain Farrell, and his money he was countin'  
    G                           Em  
I first produced my pistol, and then produced my rapier  
       C                         G  
I said stand and deliver, or the devil he may take ya   
Musha ring dum a do dum a dah  
Whack for my daddy-o  
Whack for my daddy-o  
There's whiskey in the jar-o   
  G                             Em  
I took all of his money, and it was a pretty penny  
  C                            G  
I took all of his money, and I brought it home to Molly  
       G                     Em  
She swore that she loved me, never would she leave me  
        C                              G  
But the devil take that woman, for you know she tricked me easy   
Musha ring dum a do dum a dah  
Whack for my daddy-o  
Whack for my daddy-o  
There's whiskey in the jar-o   
G                        Em  
Being drunk and weary, I went to Molly's chamber  
C                              G  
Takin' my money with me, and I never knew the danger  
      G                       Em  
For about six or maybe seven, in walked Captain Farrell  
         C                               G  
I jumped up, fired off my pistols, and I shot him with both barrels   
Musha ring dum a do dum a dah  
Whack for my daddy-o  
Whack for my daddy-o  
There's whiskey in the jar-o   
        G                          Em  
Now some men like the fishin', and some men like the fowlin'  
    C                        G  
And some men like ta hear, a cannon ball a roarin'  
      G                 Em  
But me I like sleepin', specially in my Molly's chamber  
    C                           G  
But here I am in prison, here I am with a ball and chain yeah   
Musha ring dum a doo dum a da  
Whack for my daddy-o  
Whack for my daddy-o  
There's whiskey in the jar-o   
Em   G  

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