The Werks

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Better Than Before (ver. Acoustic) Ukulele tab

The Werks



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Better Than Before (ver. Acoustic)

Tono:  Dm
Intro: Dm F C G 


Dm           F 
Flying high, can’t look down  
C                   G            Dm 
Feel the air as you hit the ground  
F              C       G 
Why are you on the run?  
Dm               F 
You dust off and collect yourself  
C                   G                 Dm 
Take one step before you fall back down  
F              C          G 
Didn’t mean to hurt no one  

F C G Because everyday is a new beginning F C G And it always seems to be darkest before dawn F C G So hold your head up higher than the clouds F C G Then maybe you'll see the light before its gone
Verse Dm F Driving now, can’t slow down C G Dm Wave goodbye as you leave this town F C G Why are you on the run? Dm F Climbing now, getting higher still C G Dm But what goes up, must come down F C G Didn’t mean to hurt no one
F C G Because everyday is a new beginning F C G And it always seems to be darkest before dawn F C G So hold your head up higher than the clouds F C G Then maybe you'll see the light before its gone F C G So if you feel that you’ve changed your ways F C G And if you feel that you’re not sure F C G The only thing you have to ask yourself F C G Are you better than before
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