The Living Tombstone

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Its Been So Long Ukulele tab

The Living Tombstone



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Its Been So Long

Tono:  Bm
Intro: Bm F Bm F Bm F Bm F Bm 

verse 1: 
C#                  G# 
I dunno what I was thinking, 
Bbm                G# 
Leaving my child behind, 
Bbm              G#              Bbm 
Now I suffer the curse and now I am blind 

G#                   Bbm 
With all this anger, guilt and sadness, 
D#m                  F# 
Coming to haunt me forever, 
                      F                      Bbm 
I can't wait for the cliff at the end of the river, 

Bbm                  G# 
Is this revenge I am seeking, 
   Bbm                 F 
Or seeking someone to avange me 
      Bbm           G#                C# 
Stuck in my own paradox I wanna set myself free 

   G#          Bbm 
Maybe I should chase and find 
  F                   F# 
before they'll try to stop it 
    Bbm            G#                 Bbm 
It won't be long before I'll become a puppet 
Bbm G# It's been so long, Bbm Since I last have seen my son F# lost to this monster F Bbm to the man behind the slaughter Bbm G# Since you've been gone Bbm I've been singing this stupid song F# So I could ponder F Bbm The sanity of your mother
verse 2: C# G# I wish I lived in the present Bbm G# With the gift of my past mistakes Bbm G# Bbm But the future keeps luring in like a pack of snakes G# Bbm Your sweet little eyes, your little smile, D#m F# is all I remember F Bbm Those fuzzy memories mess with my temper Bbm G# Justification is killing me Bbm F But killing isn't justified Bbm G# C# What happened to my son, I'm terrified G# Bbm F F# It lingers in my mind and the thought keeps on getting bigger, Bbm G# Bbm I'm sorry my sweet baby, I wish I've been there.
Bbm G# It's been so long, Bbm Since I last have seen my son F# lost to this monster F Bbm to the man behind the slaughter Bbm G# Since you've been gone Bbm I've been singing this stupid song F# So I could ponder F Bbm The sanity of your mother
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