Tennessee Ernie Ford

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This Is My Country Ukulele tab

Tennessee Ernie Ford



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This Is My Country

(Al Jacobs/Don Raye)

Tono:  G
   G    Em  C  D7         G    Em     C  D7 
1. This is  my country... land that I love 
   G    Em  C  D7         G    Em     C  D7 
   This is  my country... grandest on earth 
   G  Am            G               C   Am7    D  D7 
   I pledge thee my allegiance... America, the bold 
       G    Em  C  D7            G    C      G 
   For this is  my country... to have and to hold 

   G    Em  C  D7         G    Em    C  D7 
2. This is  my country... land of my choice 
   G    Em  C  D7         G    Em       C   D7 
   This is  my country... hear my proud voice 
   C  Am              G             C Am7      D  D7 
   I pledge thee my allegiance... America, the bold 
       G    Em  C  D7            G    C      G 
   For this is  my country... to have and to hold 
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