Taylor Swift

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Ain't Nothing 'bout You Ukulele tab

Taylor Swift



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Ain't Nothing 'bout You

Tono:  Am
Capo en el 2º traste

Intro: Am  

             Am                F                   C                G 
The way you look, the way you laugh, the way you love with all you have,  
               Am          F                   C          G         
there ain't nothin' 'bout you that don't do something for me. The way you  
 Am                F                 C             G 
kiss, the way you cry, the way you move when you walk by, there ain't  
  Am           F                    C         G 
nothin' 'bout you that don't do somethin' for me. 

Am  F  C  G (2x) 

 Am                         E7                       F     C                
Once I thought that love was somethin' I could never do, never knew I could  
G          Am                             E7                       F   C 
feel this much, but this yearning in the deep part of my heart for you is  
              G            F               G             E7 
more than a reaction to your touch. Its a perfect passion and I can't get  


             Am                F                  C                  G 
The way you look, the way you laugh, the way you love with all you have,  
             Am            F                   C          G     
there ain't nothin' 'bout you that don't do something for me. The way you  
 Am               F                 C              G 
kiss, the way you cry, the way you move when you walk by, there ain't  
 Am            F                    C         G 
nothin' 'bout you that don't do somethin' for me. 

 Am                     E7                  F            C 
In my life I've been hammered by some heavy blows, that never knocked me  
 G      Am                        E7              F          C           G 
off my feet. All you gotta do is smile at me and down I go, and baby its no  
  Am        G          E7 
mystery why I surrender, boy you got everything. 
             Am                F                  C                 G 
The way you look, the way you laugh, the way you love with all you have,  
              Am           F                     C        G 
there ain't nothin' 'bout you that don't do something for me. The way you  
 Am                F                C             G                  
kiss, the way you cry, the way you move when you walk by, there ain't  
 Am            F                    C         G 
nothin' 'bout you that don't do somethin' for me. 

 D                     F                                     D 
I love your attitude, all your tattoos, your every thought, your smile,  
             E7                               Am 
your lips and boy the list goes on and on and on. 

Am  F  C  G 

             Am                 F                  C                G 
The way you look, the way you laugh, the way you love with all you have,  
      Am           F         C          G     Am  F  C 
your dance, your drive, you make me feel alive,     and now I think you  
 G                 Am           F                   C          G 
see, there ain't nothin' 'bout you that don't do somethin' for me.
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