Silence 4

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Teeth against the Glass Ukulele tab

Silence 4

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Teeth against the Glass

	  Acordes : 
(nesta música são usados muito os chamados "Power Chords" 
que são acordes maiores em travessão mas sem a parte baixo.) 
INTRO   G   (desliza para) A  
        A  (desliza para) Bm 
        Bm (desliza para) C  
	G   (desliza para) A  
        Bm     C  
G     A 	Bm 	C  
  You call yourself my friends 
G     A 	Bm	C  
  You call yourself my buddies 
G     A 	Bm	C  
  But I can't see where are you 
G     A 	Bm	C  
  When I need you to shut up 
Am      C    D     
So shut up 
F 	  Am  
Go and forget 
C         D  
I will forget 
       F       G   
So shut up 
F    D   
Because if you don't I'll 
Kick your butt 
Fuck you up 
Rip and cut 
Eat your guts  
Bring you down 
To the ground 
Make the sound  
Of teeth against the glass 
        G   (desliza para) A  
        A  (desliza para) B  menor 
        Bm (desliza para) C  
	G   (desliza para) A  
        Bm     C  
I'm tired of so much gossip 
I can't stand any more objections to myself 
Try to see, this shit doesn't matter to me 
I'm just fed up by this stupid conversation 
So shut up 
Go and forget 
I will forget 
So shut up 
Because if you don't I'll 
Bring you down 
To the ground 
Make the sound  
Of teeth against the glass 

E-Chords has the most powerful ukulele chords dictionary on the internet. You can enter any chord and even choose the pitch of each string.

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