Ryan Adams

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Haunted House Ukulele tab

Ryan Adams



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Haunted House

Tono:  D
Intro: (x2) 
Dsus2  G  Em7  G 

verse 1 
D       G     Em      G 
Welcome to my haunted house 
D      G          Em          G 
I live here alone, ain't no one else 
D           G          Em            G 
It's the last house at the end of the block 
D           G            Em     G 
My friends all disappear one by one 

G                 D                        A    A    G 
The cracks in the windows and the spiders, they crawl 
G          D            A  A  G 
Across the lattice from 1924 
G           D                            Asus4 
Life is too sweet, yeah, and life is too short 
And there's nowhere to fall 

D G Em G Asus4 Em Asus4 Em I don't want to live in this haunted house anymore D G Em G Asus4 Em Asus4 Em I don't want to live in this haunted house anymore
verse 2 D G Em G There's a painting on the wall D G Em G I see its eyes watching me as I walk on down the hall D G Em G Nobody stops to write, nobody calls D G Em G My friends all disappear they all got lost Pre-Chorus G D A A G The cracks in the windows and the spiders, they crawl G D A A G Across the lattice from 1924 G D Asus4 Life is too sweet, yeah, and life is too short Asus4 And there's nowhere to fall
D G Em G Asus4 Em Asus4 Em I don't want to live in this haunted house anymore D G Em G Asus4 Em Asus4 Em I don't want to live in this haunted house anymore
Outro: D G Em G
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