Rory Gallagher

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Moonchild Ukulele tab

Rory Gallagher



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(Rory Gallagher)

Tono:  Am
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Intro and intermediate riff : !--------------------!-------------!--------------------!-------------! !--------------------!-------------!--------------------!-------------! !--5---7---9----10---!9------------!--5---7---9----10---!9------------! !--7---9---10---12---!-10--riff?---!--7---9---10---12---!-10--riff?---! !0---0---0----0------!-------------!0---0---0----0------!-------------! !--------------------!-------------!--------------------!-------------!
G + solo Am Dm Am Dm You are a moonchild and Am Dm Am Dm pretty soon child I`ve Am Dm Am Dm got a feeling that Am Dm Am Dm G I`ve gonna make you smile forever If I can {riff} F G just give me a sign Dm and I show you my grain(??) {riff} Am Dm Am Dm You are a blue child for- Am Dm Am Dm ever true child you Am Dm Am Dm know that I tried to Am Dm Am Dm G scrape(?) the skies blue forever If I can {riff} {solo} F G just give me a sign Dm and I show you my grain {riff} F G tell me why Dm you look so sad {riff} F G time slips by Dm like traces of sand {riff} F G just put your future Dm in my hand {solo} F G tell me why Dm you look so sad {riff} 1.verse again fade out
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