Roger Williams & The All Mixed-up Quartet

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More Than Anything Ukulele tab

Roger Williams & The All Mixed-up Quartet

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More Than Anything

Tono:  Gm
	  Verse 1: 
       Gm                   F 
I have often slipped into relationships 
          Eb              F 
that have placed you aside. 
          Gm                 F 
I've been lead by the color, bought by the dollar 
       Eb                 F 
that's standing in my pride. 
          Gm                 F  
I've been often skewed in my point of view 
    Eb              F              Gm     F       Eb 
and how I can often question you.  This I finally see ... 

Bb F That You're worth more than anything. Gm Eb There's more honor in Your calling; there is power in Your name. Bb F You're worth more than anything. Gm Eb May I never have close seconds; may You always be my King.
Verse 2: Gm F All of my treasures have been weighed by forever; Eb F they're shallow and vain and cheap. Gm F Still yet I'm holding, my time is unfolding Eb F my passion and my creed. Gm F When will I go? When will I grow? Eb F Gm F Eb When will I let my brother know all You mean to me? >>> Chorus x2 >>> Bridge: Let them bring their gold and bring their rings May we point them to our king. When they bring their trophies, bring their crowns May we always let them down. When they bring their glory, bring their fame, May we point them to Your name. >>> Chorus x2
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