Red Hot Chili Peppers

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Death of a martian (ver. 2) Ukulele tab

Red Hot Chili Peppers



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Death of a martian (ver. 2)

(Flea/John Frusciante/Anthony Kiedis/Chad Smith)

Tono:  Gm
	  Intro: Gm Dm Gm Bb F 
Bear paws and rascal power 
Watching us in your garage 
Big girl you ate the neighbor 
Bb                F 
The nova is over 
Wake up and play 
Make room for Clara?s bare feet 
Bb            F 
The love a Martian 
Tick tock and waiting for the meteor 
This clock is opening another door 
Gm Lots of love just keep it comin? Bb Making something and of nothin? Eb D These are the best that I Gm I don?t know how to say Bb Losin? what I love today Eb D These are the best that I Gm Lots of love just keep it comin? Bb Making something and of nothin? Eb D These are the best that I Gm I don?t know how to say Bb Losin? what I love today Eb D And these are the things that I
Gm Blood flowers in the kitchen Dm Sign of and winding down Gm This Martian ends her mission Bb F The nova is over Gm She couth the ball Dm By the mission bell Gm Chase lizards bark at donkeys Bb F The love a Martian D Let?s bow our heads And let trumpets blow Our girls is gone Good bless her little soul
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