Peter Rowan

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Home To You Ukulele tab

Peter Rowan



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Home To You

Tono:  D
D A    G             D 
  It's tired and I'm getting late 
A G                   D 
I try to speak, but I can't relate 
The DJ says I need my rest 
G                                   A 
But like a storm lost bird, I can't find my nest. 
                D       G   F C 
I've got to get home to you 
D       G   F C   D       G   F C   D 
Home to you       home to you 
A   G                          D 
The stranger smokes smiles and wants to speak 
A        G                             D 
And says do you remember the corner on Beacon Street 
And the glimpse of life that I have seen 
G                A 
Fading  faintly  in my dreams 
                D       G   F C 
I've got to get home to you 
D       G   F C   D       G   F C   D 
Home to you       home to you 
A    G                  D 
I'm lying on my bed and I can't  sleep 
A          G           D 
I've been  on the road about three weeks 
She says, "You're not smiling, you must be sad 
G                             A 
Yes, this lonesomeness is the worst I've  had 
                D       G   F C 
I've got to get home to you 
D       G   F C   D       G   F C   D 
Home to you       home to you 
A          G                 D 
The truth, The lies, And the alibis 
A G           D 
Every  day we do and die 
But the path was lost in the falling snow 
G                         A 
As we danced our days out here below. 
                D       G   F C 
I've got to get home to you 
D       G   F C   D       G   F C   D 
Home to you       home to you 
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