Melba Montgomery

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A Better Life Is Waiting Ukulele tab

Melba Montgomery



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A Better Life Is Waiting

Tono:  C

I'm ready to leave this sinful world 
        F              C 
I can't wait until I'm gone 

I'm just waiting for the moment 
        D7              G7 
When my Savior calls me home 
I'll walk with Him in that bright city 
        F               C 
How His gates will open wide 
                                       G7           C   F C 
I know a better life is waiting for me on the other side 

F C I'm going home (I'm going home) I'm going home (I'm going home) G7 When I cross the dead valley I won't be alone C F C I'll walk down a lighted pathway with my Jesus for my guide G7 C I’ll find a better life is waiting for me on the other side F C (The other side)
C I'll sing and shout and praise His name F C Glory halleluiah when I get home I'll shake hands with dad and mother D7 G7 And the many friend around God's throne C I wouldn't trade places with a millionaire F C Heaven is a place that money can't buy G7 C I know a better life is waiting for me on the other side
F C I'm going home (I'm going home) I'm going home (I'm going home) G7 When I cross the dead valley I won't be alone C F C I'll walk down a lighted pathway with my Jesus for my guide G7 C I’ll find a better life is waiting for me on the other side F C (The other side)
Final F C I'm going home (I'm going home) I'm going home (I'm going home) G7 When I cross the dead valley I won't be alone C F C I'll walk down a lighted pathway with my Jesus for my guide G7 C I’ll find a better life is waiting for me on the other side F C (The other side)
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