Matt Wertz

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Will Not Take My Love Away Ukulele tab

Matt Wertz



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Will Not Take My Love Away

(Matt Wertz)

	  Capo on 7 

E                   A     E 
I will not take my love away 
        C#m   Abm        A        B 
When praises cease and seasons change 
            E                      A    E 
While the whole world turns the other way 
E                    B     E 
I will not take my love away 

E                    A    E 
I will not leave you all alone 
        C#m    Abm       A         B 
When striving leads you far from home 
      E                   A           E 
And there's no yield for what you've sown 
E                     B    E 
I will not leave you all alone 

C#m B A             C#m  B A 
Oh...               Yeah... 

E                     A    E 
I will give you what you need 
    C#m  Abm    A  B 
In plenty or in poverty 
E                 A      B 
Forever, always, look to me 
E                    B       C#m 
And I will give you what you need 
E                   B    E 
I will not take my love away 
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