Matt Monro

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Get Happy Ukulele tab

Matt Monro



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Get Happy

( Larry Clinton and Harold Arlen )

Tono:  C
Intro C6 Dm  G7 C6 A7 Dm G7 

            C6                      Dm   G7 
Forget your troubles and just get happy 
           C6            A7         Dm  G7 
You better chase all you cares away 
          C6                F     Fis7 
Sing Hallelujah come on get happy 
     C6           G7        C6 
Get ready for the judgement day 
            F                     Gm    C7 
Forget your troubles and just get happy 
           F              D          Gm  C7 
You better chase all you cares away 
          F6                C     C7 
Sing Hallelujah come on get happy 
     F6           D7        F6 
Get ready for the judgement day 
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