Mark Medlock

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Sad Sad Story Ukulele tab

Mark Medlock



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Sad Sad Story

(Dieter Bohlen)

Tono:  G
verse 1 

Love has many colours 
and the passion rules the game 
you and me together 
will never be the same 
all I ever wanted 
is to fly the wings of love 
just you and me together 
in love is not enough 
D                                 C 
all the night my heart just calls your name 
D                          C 
baby will I see your smile again 

D G if you find another sad sad story in your heart C if you ever had a love like this don`t tear apart D G C if you're lonely, I'm the only,one for you baby D G if you find another sad sad story in your heart D if my lonely heart is weak I never try a start D G if you're lonely, i'm the only,one for you baby
verse 2 G Love is like a river C sometimes like the why you live Ami you and me together C we are playing this old game G you are kiss from heaven C and everthing will turn out fine Ami you and me together C just like the first time D C feelings are the hardest words to say D C oh, I feel it's stronger every day
D G if you find another sad sad story in your heart C if you ever had a love like this don`t tear apart D G C if you're lonely, I'm the only,one for you baby D G if you find another sad sad story in your heart D if my lonely heart is weak I never try a start D G if you're lonely, i'm the only,one for you baby
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