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Cover My Eyes Ukulele tab



Denis Lopes

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Cover My Eyes


Tono:  A
Pain and heaven 

Cover my eyes  
The light falls on her face  
Dangerous lines  
Dangerous colors & shapes   
Ferocious designs   
Connected and ready to play  
Buttoned up tight   
Crimson and Halloween white  

               (E  F#m  C#m  D)  
She's like the girl in the movie when the spitfire falls  
Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford   
She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward   
Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors  

Pain and heaven   
Pain and heaven  

The meaning of life   
A hair falls out of place  
Cover my eyes  
Dangerous colors and shapes  
And when she moves  
Cover my eyes  

Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh  

               (E  F#m  C#m  D)  
She's like the girl on the T.V. with the red guitar   
Like the girl with the dealer at the end of the bar   
She's like the girl with the smile in the dream in the dark  
Like the girl overtaking in the open car  

Pain and heaven   
Pain and heaven  

Solo: C  D  E  C  D  (E  F#m  C#m  D)  

Pain and heaven   
Pain and heaven  

(E  F#m  C#m  D)  
Cover my eyes (Pain and) 
The light falls on her face (Heaven) 
Dangerous lines (Pain and) 
Dangerous colors & shapes (Heaven) 

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