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Hell To The Liars Ukulele tab

London Grammar



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Hell To The Liars

Tono:  Bb
verse 1 

 Bb             Dm 
     Hell to the liars 
 Bb             Dm 
     Here's to you and me 
 Bb              Dm 
     Hell to the best of us 
 Bb             Dm 
     Here's to you and me 

Pre-Chorus 1 

 Bb              Dm 
     Hell to the righteous ones 
 Bb             Dm 
     Here's to them 
 Bb                  Dm 
     The grey-suited walkers 
 Bb              Dm 
     Prestigious men 

Bb Dm C Here's to the things you love C Gm F Bb Here's to those you fight enough C Hell to the rest of us Dm Here's to the things you love D# Here's to the things you..... Gm D# love... Gm Bb oooooooohhhhh
verse 2 Dm Those who are born with love Bb Dm Here's to you trying Bb Dm Bb And I'm no better than those I judge Dm With all my suffering Pre-Chorus 2 Bb Dm Hell to the liars Bb Dm Here's to you and me Bb Dm I look way above us Bb Dm seeing no one free
Bb Dm C Here's to the things you love C Gm F Bb Here's to those you fight enough C Hell to the rest of us Dm Here's to the things you love C Bb Here's to the things you love Bb Dm C Here's to the things you love C Gm F Bb Here's to those you fight enough C Hell to the rest of us Dm Here's to the things you love D# Here's to the things you..... Gm D# love... Gm Bb oooooooohhhhh
Bb Dm F Gm F (repeat until the song ends)
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