Living Colour

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Nothingness Ukulele tab

Living Colour



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(Will Calhoun)

Tono:  F#m
Intro: F#m  E 

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G|------------------------|-------| D|----11----11--9--8------|-------| A|--------------------9---|--7--9-| E|-9-----9----------------|-------|
F#m C# B F#m Well like a descendant, I drifted far, far and wide F#m A B F#m Isolation, separation, no where to hide C# B F# E Maybe there's somewhere I can go C# B F# E Where there's sunshine and the wind won't blow F# Nothingness E B All I have to feel is my lonliness A F# Nothing in the attic 'cept an empty chest E B And nothing lasts forever ( F# E ) F# C# B F# Although there are many, I look for no one, no one but me F# A B F# I search for things that are taking me high and far out of reach C# B F# E But this is the place I call my home C# B F# E I live with the lies and the fear all alone F# Nothingness E B All I have to feel is my lonliness A F# Nothing in the attic 'cept an empty chest E B And nothing lasts forever F# A Nothingness F# A Lonliness F# E Empty chest F# And nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever
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