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Battle Symphony Ukulele tab

Linkin Park



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Battle Symphony

Tono:  Em
Intro: Em  C  G  D 

         Em          G        Em       G 
I got a long way to go and a long memory 
        Em              G               Em          G 
I been searching for an answer, always just out of reach 
  Em           G     Em       G 
Blood on the floor, sirens repeat 
        Em                G          Em         G 
I been searching for the courage to face my enemies 
       Am             D 
When they turn down the lights  

           Em     C        G                  D 
I hear my battle symphony, all the world in front of me  
      Em      C           G       D 
If my armor breaks, I'll fuse it back together  
 Em     C          G                    D 
Battle symphony, please just don't give up on me  
       Em        C     G 
And my eyes are wide awake  
        Em     C       G  D 
For my battle symphony  
        Em     C       G  D 
For my battle symphony  
              Em         G          Em           G 
They say that I don't belong, say that I should retreat  
          Em               G          Em         G 
That I'm marching to the rhythm of a lonesome defeat  
         Em            G              Em            G 
But the sound of your voice puts the pain in the reverse  
       Em           G                Em        G 
No surrender, no illusions, and for better or worse  

           Am            D 
When they turn down the lights  

           Em     C        G                  D 
I hear my battle symphony, all the world in front of me  
      Em      C           G       D 
If my armor breaks, I'll fuse it back together  
 Em     C          G                    D 
Battle symphony, please just don't give up on me  
       Em        C     G   D 
And my eyes are wide awake  

      C                 Am 
If I fall, get knocked down  
      G                  D 
Pick myself up off the ground  
      C                 Am 
If I fall, get knocked down  
      G                  D 
Pick myself up off the ground  

           Am            D 
When they turn down the lights  

           Em     C        G                  D 
I hear my battle symphony, all the world in front of me  
      Em      C           G       D 
If my armor breaks, I'll fuse it back together  
 Em     C          G                    D 
Battle symphony, please just don't give up on me  
       Em        C     G 
And my eyes are wide awake  
        Em     C       G  D 
For my battle symphony  
        Em     C       G  D 
For my battle symphony  

Em  C  G  D 
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