Jen Cloher

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Save Me From What I Want Ukulele tab

Jen Cloher



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Save Me From What I Want

Tono:  C
Capo en el 4º traste

Intro: C F 

C                F 
Summer had burnt long and hard 
C                    F 
Fields had turned to dust 
C                               F 
It had been so long since I had even touched someone 
C                 F 
I waited oh I waited long 
C                 F 
My body could not lie 
C                   F 
I felt a storm come rising up inside 

C F 
C                   F 
Save me from what I want 
C F 
C                   F 
Save me from what I want  

C                F 
I don't know too much for true 
C                   F 
But this I know for sure 
C                          F 
If I cannot have a thing I want it even more 
C                 F 
You asked me If I was okay 
C                   F 
But then it was too late 
C                              F 
You were everything that I had longed to feel again 

C F 
C                   F 
Save me from what I want 
C F 
C                   F 
Save me from what I want  

C                F 
We were made for ecstasy  
C                F 
We were made for pain 
C               F 
We were made to risk our love 
C                F 
And find our way again 
C                 F 
Save me from this mortal coil 
C              F 
Save me from myself  
C                                  F 
Deliver me from all the fears that drive me to this hell 

C F 
C                   F 
Save me from what I want 
C F 
C                   F 
Save me from what I want  
C F 
C                   F 
Save me from what I want 
C                   F 
Save me from what I want  
C                   F 
Save me from what I want  
C                   F 
Save me from what I want  
C F 
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