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I'll Make It Up To You Ukulele tab

Imagine Dragons



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I'll Make It Up To You

(Ben McKee/Daniel Platzman/Tim Randolph/Dan Reynolds/Wayne Sermon)

Tono:  Em
Intro: Em 

G                  D         C 
  Took your heart took your hand 
G                  D     C 
Promised you all that I had 
Em              D        C 
  Hoping that you understand, 
    G             D    C 
I'm far from a perfect man 
      G                      D C 
Cause honey it's been a hard year 
   G                         D C 
It seems like we're going nowhere 
       Em                    D C 
You're crying inside your bedroom 
G           D        C 
Baby I know it's not fair 

G   D    C 
Lay with me, 
    G   D    C 
For one more night 
  Em D    C 
I promise you, 
     G    D  C 
I'll make it right 

D C Em I'll make it up to you G D (You, you) C Every night, I'll make it up to you Em D (You, you) C Every night, I'll make it up to you
G D C G D C verse 2 G D C I know you don't understand G D C The vices that follow a man Em D C And in your eyes I can see G D C The places that you'd rather be G D C Cause honey it's been a hard year G D C It seems like we're going nowhere Em D C You're crying inside your bedroom G D C Baby I know it's not fair
D C Em I'll make it up to you G D (You, you) C Every night, I'll make it up to you Em D (You, you) C Em Every night, I'll make it up to you
Bridge G D C G Em In my darkest hour, in the dead of the night I'll make it up to you G D C G Em Your hands are miiiiine, I'll make it up to you G D C Promises are nothing more than fleeting thoughts Em G Em D C But you, you are my lifetime
N.C. D C Em G I'll make it up to you, every night D C I'll make it up to you, every night Em D C I'll make it up to you (You,you, every night) Em G D C I'll make it up to you (You,you, every night) Em D C I'll make it up to you (You,you, every night) Em G D C I'll make it up to you (You,you, every night)
Outro C Em D C Em G D C C Em D C Em G D C C Em D C Em G D C C Em D C Em G D C
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