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Girls Girls Ukulele tab

Icona Pop



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Girls Girls

(Aino Jawo, Caroline Elisabeth Hjelt, Emma Bertilsson, Johan Gustafsson, Litens Anton Nilsson, Marcus Andersson, Tove Lo)

Tono:  F
Na na na na 
Na na na na 
Na na na na 
Na na na na 

F                    Dm           A#          C 
All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend 
F                      Dm           A#          C 
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend 

F                   Dm 
Where would you be, be without me 
A#                    C 
We'll never find out 
F                   Dm 
What would I do, do without you 
A#                    C 
We'll never know now 

                    F                    Dm 
Talking about the lights, the dirt, the sh*t, that hurts 
       A#             C 
We're not gonna turn around 
We're doing this for good, for worse 
     Dm                     A#            C 
The gift, the curse, we're not gonna back down 

F                    Dm           A#          C 
All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 
F                      Dm           A#          C 
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 
F                    Dm           A#          C 
All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 
F                      Dm           A#          C 
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 
                  F                   Dm 
I wanna feel the sun, the waves, the wind in my face 
     A#           C 
The speed, the chase, 
Na na, na na 
I wanna feel the sun, the waves, 
      Dm                  A#         C 
Just run across states, making up as we go 
                   F                  Dm 
That's how's gon' be, young wild and free 
A#         C 
Not gonna slow down 
Up to the max, 
Dm                     A#          C 
Until we crush, we're not gonna stop now 
F                    Dm           A#          C 
All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 
F                      Dm           A#          C 
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 

F                    Dm           A#          C 
All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 
F                      Dm           A#          C 
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 

Na na, na na 
Me and my girlfriend 
Na na, na na 
Me and my girlfriend 

F                    Dm           A#          C 
All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 
F                      Dm           A#          C 
Down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend 
(me and my girlfriend) 
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