David O'Dowda

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Keep Your Head Ukulele tab

David O'Dowda



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Keep Your Head

Tono:  C

C         Am 
Keep your head 
Everyone still 
You can make me fall apart 
But I won’t blink 
And you won’t speak 
             Em   G 
And we won’t blow away 

Fmaj7 Am If you can put your hands on me Em G We can sit and laugh for a long time Fmaj7 Am If you could place your hands on me Em G Then we’ll dance
Verse C Am Keep your head Em Everyone still G You can make me fall apart Am But I won’t blink C And you won’t speak Em G And we won’t blow away Verse C Am Keep your head Em Everyone still G You can make me fall apart Am But I won’t blink C And you won’t speak Em G And we won’t blow away
Fmaj7 Am If you can put your hands on me Em G We can sit and laugh for a long time Fmaj7 Am If you could place your hands on me Em G Then we’ll dance
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