Camp Rock 2

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You're My Favorite Song Ukulele tab

Camp Rock 2



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You're My Favorite Song

Tono:  F
               F C 
Words don't come easy 
             Bb F 
Without a melody 
           F C 
I'm always thinking 
             Bb F 
In terms of do-re-mi 
           F C 
I should be hiking, swimming 
Bb F 
Laughing with you 
F C F 
Instead, I'm all out of tune 

              F C 
But what you don't know 
            Bb F 
You lift me off of the ground 
          F C 
You're inspiration 
                Bb F 
You helped me find my sound 
              F C 
Just like a baseline in half-time 
    Bb F 
You hold down the groove 
 F C F 
That's why I'm counting on you 

     Bb       C             F    Dm 
And if I heard you on the radio 
Bb            C               F        Dm 
I'd never want to change a single note 
Bb              C          Am   Dm 
It's what I'm trying say all along 
    Bb       F       C 
You're my favorite song 

          F                 C 
I'm in a session, writing tracks 
         Bb              F 
You got another class to teach 
          F                 C 
And then rehearsal with the band 
         Bb                  F 
You're always one step out of reach 
            F         C 
I'm looking for some harmony with you 
      Bb         F 
It comes so naturally 
      F      C             F  F 
You help me find the right key 

     C        D            G Em 
And when I hear you on the radio 
C            D                 G Em 
I never want to change a single note 
C           D            Bm Em 
It's what I tried say all along 
C        G           D 
You're my favorite song 
My favorite song 

            D              G     Em 
And when I hear you on the radio 
   C            D          G       Em 
I never want to change a single note 
C            D         Bm  Em 
It's what I tried say all along 
C          G         D 
You're my favorite song 
C          D         G 
You're my favorite song 
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