Brandy Clark

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Daughter Ukulele tab

Brandy Clark



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Tono:  E
Capo en el 3er traste

verse 1 
When you broke my heart... I wanted to 
Cut the break line on your four wheel drive 
And poison your Pabst Blue Ribbon 
When you drug my name all through the mud 
I was dying to do the same, but I held my tongue 
Cause that ain't Christian 
And you might be laughing now 
But what goes around comes around 

G So I hope you have a daughter and I hope that she's a fox Daddy's little girl - just as sweet as she is hot C/G She can't help but love them boys G Who love to love and leave them girls just like her father D/A G Yeah, karma's a bitch - so I hope you have a daughter
verse 2 E When them boys pick her up wearing cheap cologne Asus2 Younger versions of yourself so you'll know when they drive off E What they're thinking E You had some real good lines and they will too Asus2 I bet you'll have a come to Jesus when they're being used E On your baby C/G D/A And you'll want to kick their ass, but hey pot, that kettle's black
G So I hope you have a daughter and I hope that she's a fox You get a little grayer every time you hear a knock C/G She can't help but love them boys G Who love to love and leave them girls just like her father D/A G Yeah, karma's a bitch - so I hope you have a daughter
E Asus2 E Asus2 BRIDGE C/G Yeah, it kind of makes me sad D/A That she'll be the one to get you back
G So I hope you have a daughter and I hope that she's a fox Daddy's little girl - just as sweet as she is hot C/G She can't help but love them boys G Who love to love and leave them girls just like her father D/A G Yeah, karma's a bitch - so I hope you have a daughter D/A G You son of a bitch - I hope you have a daughter
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