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No One Else In Mind Ukulele tab




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No One Else In Mind

(Benjamin Gregory)

Tono:  G
G                                    Bm 
I could lie about my age and let you draw lines on my face 
              Em            C    
And watch you rest close to yours 
And I'll wait, throughout the day 
            Bmin                             Em 
As you make sense of all the silent mumblings 
They don't get 

     G    Am Bm D    Em 
I've no one else in mind 
  D                   C    
I tried, but it never satisfies 

       G                               Bm 
I lost track of all the reasons why we said we had to end it 
      Em          C    
I may never sleep again 
G                           Bm 
Nothing ever stops you from believing 
                       Em       C    
It only happens to the ones undeserving 

     G    Am Bm D    Em 
I've no one else in mind 
  D                   C    
I tried, but it never satisfies 

       G                                    Bm 
When I leave I'll hum the notes you sang so quietly 
                        Em                                   C    
When I couldn't see the white parts of your eyes were making afterwards, you said 
And if I tried to hold your hand 
You'll rush towards the empty street 
And I'll never see the space 
Between the pavement and the soles of your feet 

     G    Am Bm D    Em 
I've no one else in mind 
  D                   C    
I tried, but it never satisfies 

I could lift the curse 
And paint a pretty picture of 
            Em              C    
The perfect ending one more night 
You can escape in the morning 
As slowly as you will 
         Em                              C    
And I'll pretend it never happened for a while 

     G    Am Bm D    Em 
I've no one else in mind 
  D                   C    
I tried, but it never satisfies 
    G    Am Bm D    Em 
And no one else is mine 
  D                   C    
I tried, but it never satisfies me 
It never satisfies 
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