Billy Joel

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Oyster Bay Ukulele tab

Billy Joel



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Oyster Bay

(Billy Joel)

Tono:  Em
Intro: Em 

         Em                            A 
From my room, I see the blue Pacific Ocean 
         F                              G   G Bm 
Yes, my hotel has me right beside the shore 

         Em               G 
Well, today it's San Francisco 
And tomorrow it's L.A. 
       F                                   G   G 
And I feel as though I've been this way before 

        Em                              A 
Well my woman helps my feet to keep on walkin' 
        F                                   G   G 
But my manager he stands right outside the door 

Bm              Em 
Yes, there's an up 'n' comin' superstar 
And he's gettin' rave revues 
           F                            C   C 
But there ain't no time for fishin' anymore 

C Em I never thought that things would go this far C Em I never thought that life would be this way C Em I never thought I'd be a superstar Dm And Jesus Christ Em I wish that I F Was back in Oyster Bay F Bb F C F C F B Takin' it easy... Oh yeah...
Verse: B Em A But there's lots of friendly folks that say "good morning" F G G Bm But somehow you know I just don't believe their smiles Em I'd be New York City bound A Where I could be among my friends F G G But the road back home it seems a million miles Verse: Em A I can see the lights of Hollywood below me F G G But somehow they just don't move me like they should Bm Em I know it's hard to understand A But I would be a fisherman F If I only had the chance, C C You know I would
C Em I never thought that things would go this far C Em I never thought that I'd be here today C Em I never thought I'd be a superstar Dm Oh, and Jesus Christ Em I wish that I F Was back in Oyster Bay F Bb F C F C F Gm F Takin' it easy... Oh yeah...
Instrumental: C G Bb F OUTRO: C G Bb F Be with my wife all day, happy to be that way C G Bb F Wanting it back sometimes, wanting some peace of mind C G Bb F Be with my wife all day, happy to be that way C G Bb F Wanting it back sometimes, wanting to be so kind C G Bb F Be with my wife all day, happy to be that way C G Bb F Wanting it back sometimes, having some peace of mind - FADE OUT
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