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A Little Longer Ukulele tab

Bethel Music



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A Little Longer

(Matt Stinton)

Tono:  Em
Intro: Em - Bm - A - G - Bm - A 

What can I do for You 
What can I bring to You 
              A                         F#m 
What kind of song would You like me to sing 
'Cause I'll dance a dance for You 
Pour out my love to You 
           A                      F#m 
What can I do for You, beautiful King 

What can I do for You 
What can I bring to You 
              F#m                       A 
What kind of song would You like me to sing 
'Cause I'll dance a dance for You 
             G            A 
Pour out my love to You, yeah 

G               A          Bm 
'Cause I can't thank You enough 
G               A         Bm or Em 
'Cause I can't thank You enough 

I hear you saying 
D                       Bm 
You don't have to do a thing  
Just simply be with me  
and let those things go 
        Em             A 
'Cause they can wait another minute 
D                A/C#     Bm 
Wait, this moment is too sweet 
                       A        G 
Would you please stay here with me 
                 D/F#     Em     A 
And love on me a little longer 
'Cause I'm in love with you 
A/C#    Bm 
I'm in love with you 
        A      G 
'Cause I'm in love with you 
           Em       G 
Oh How my heart it burns for you 
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