Ashley Eriksson

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Island Song Adventure Time Ending Theme Ukulele tab

Ashley Eriksson



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Island Song Adventure Time Ending Theme

Tono:  A
Intro: A 

      D    G    Bm 
Come along with me 
     D      A        G 
To a town beside the sea 
       Bm                 G 
We can wander through the forest 
    D           A 
And do so as we please 

     D     G    Bm 
Come along with me 
     D       A     G 
To a cliff under a tree 
            Bm             G 
Where we'll gaze upon the water 
      G   A       D 
As an everlasting dream 

F#7         G 
All of my affections 
   G         A      D 
I give them all to you 
F#7            G 
Maybe by next summer 
   D                      A 
We won't have changed our tunes 

        D    G  Bm 
I still want to be 
        D      A        G 
In this town beside the sea 
D             G 
Making up new numbers 
    G         A    D 
And living so merrily 

F#7           G 
All of my affections 
  G          A      D 
I give them all to you 
     F#7              G 
I'll be here for you always 
    E7            A 
And always be for you 

      D    G    Bm 
Come along with me 
     D      A        G 
To a town beside the sea 
       D                  G 
We can wander through the forest 
    D     A     Bm 
And do so as we please 
G         A    D 
Living so merrily 
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