Smashing Pumpkins

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Zero Tablatura

Smashing Pumpkins


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Áño: 1996 - Álbum: The Aeroplane Flies High

(William Patrick Corgan)

	  Tune:(Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb)


G1 (G2 enters later) Distortio

         ^-----^         ^-----^        ^-----^         ^-----^
          harmonics*       harm.           harm.           harm.

* These harmonics are produced by lightly applying your index
finger to the low E and gradually sliding from around fret 1.75
to 4 or so.  A good way of looking at this is letting your finger
touch the E while setting back up for the C octave chord.



Put in Es (|022100| or |079900|) in the part that goes:

"Emptiness is lovliness andLovliness is cleanliness and
 Cleanliness is godliness andGod is empty just like me."

*3 (after slide and under solo)



|-------3---0-2-3---------0-0-0-0-...and so on-----------------

*4 (You blame yourself...)


at the end of this riff G2 plays:

|-------------------....on up----------------------------------

Those high sceams (like the end of the above) are the high E on the 24th
fret (it's james on his V or flood in the production room).

then repeat *1 and that's Zero!

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