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Intermediate - A Bit More Mellow Here Tablatura Batería

Beats & Grooves

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Intermediate - A Bit More Mellow Here


Here is a slower little beat that I think sounds great when played don?t dissapoint me now, play this with ?passion? and
You?ll get results......i know I sound like a nutter but hey, it?s a good tab.

Don?t foget the accented 8th note hats (I?ve written them on there for your benefit)

You do NOT need a double bas drum/pedal to play certain parts of this, 
I don?t have a double bas drum but I have learned to bounce/roll a double with my single pedal. I would explain how but I don?t have enough knowledge of how I 
Did it..... I kinda just did 
  |---------------play x2-----------|----play--x2----|
c |s---------------|----------------|----------------|---------------X|
h |-xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx|XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx|XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx|XxXxXxXxXx------|
s |----o-------o---|----o-------o-o-|----o-------o---|----o-----ooo---|
t |----------------|----------------|----------------|-------------do-|
b |o--o---oo--o----|-o-o---ooo-o-d-o|o--o---oo--o-ooo|oooo--ooo------o|

c |c---------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
h |-xX-XxXxXxX-XxXx|XxX-XxXxXxXxX#-d|o-XxXxXxXxXxXxo-|Xxo-XxXxXxXxXdxo|
s |---o-------o----|---o--------o---|----o-------o---|----o-------o---|
t |------o-------o-|----------------|----------------|----------------|
b |----------------|o-----o-o--d-o--|o-o---oo-o-o---o|o-o--ooo-ooo----|



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