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What It Takes Tablatura Batería


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What It Takes

Áño: 1994 - Álbum: Devil's Got a New Disguise: The Very Best

(John Charles Barrett, Anthony Joseph Perry, Steven Victor Tallarico)

Tono:  G

C | X - - - - - - - |
H | x - x - x - x - |
S | - - o - - - o - |  Keeps on like this for the whole song.    
B | o - - - o o - - |
  | 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |

What i like to do to livin it up a bit is ( coming up to the choras the build up 
if u hear it you'll no what i'm talking about )


C | - - - - - - - - |  
H | xx  x - x - x - |
S | o - o - o - o - | 
B | o - - - o o - - |      
  | 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |

the XX means play boat sticks of Hats as if u were playing 16
on them but u do it quickly before the next part comes up

Then coming towards the climaxs of the verse before the choras u do this.


C | - - - - - - - X |
H | x x x x x x x x |
S | o o o o o o o o |
B | o - - - o o - - |
  | 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |

    You hit boat snare and hats at same time for a bar.

This is the end of the climaxs to the choras then you just keep repeating Step 1, 2 , and 3.

Thank you and Have FUn with this i now i did.

Contribuição: André ([email protected])

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