
Início > Usher > acordes

Scream Teclado




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(Savan Kotecha/Max Martin/Usher Raymond IV/Shellback)

Tono:  Gm Más
Scream Key DmDm
Scream Key D#mD#m
Scream Key EmEm
Scream Key FmFm(Disminuir uno tono)
Scream Key F#mF#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Scream Key GmGm(tono original)
Scream Key G#mG#m(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Scream Key AmAm(Aumentar uno tono)
Scream Key A#mA#m
Scream Key BmBm
Scream Key CmCm
Scream Key C#mC#m
Intro: Gm Eb F D 

Usher, baby 
Yeah, we did it again 
And this time I'mma make you scream 

USHER! Yeah, man... 

I see you over there, so hypnotic 
Thinking 'bout what I do to that body 
I get you like ooh baby baby 
Ooh baby baby, ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby baby 
Got no drink in my hand 
But I'm wasted 
Getting drunk of the thought of you naked 
I get you like ooh baby baby 
Ooh baby baby, ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby baby 

And I ain't trying to fight it, to fight it 
But you're so magnetic, magnetic 
Got one life, just live it, just live it 
Now relax and get on your back 

Chorus: Gm Eb F D 

If you wanna scream, yeah 
Let me know and I'll take you there 
Get you going like ah-ooh 
Baby baby ooh baby baby 
Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby 
If you want it done right 
Hope you're ready to go all night 
Get you going like ah-ooh 
Baby baby ooh baby baby 
Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby 
If you wanna scream 

Yeah, come on 

Kill the lights, shut 'em off 
You're electric 
Devil eyes telling me come and get it 
I have you like ooh 
Baby baby ooh baby baby 
Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby baby 
Girl tonight you're the prey 
I'm the hunter 
Take you here, take you there 
Take you wonder 
Imagine me whispering in your ear 
That I wanna take off all your clothes and put something on ya 

And I ain't trying to fight it, to fight it 
But you're so magnetic, magnetic 
Got one life, just live it, just live it 
Now relax and get on your back 

If you wanna scream, yeah 
Let me know and I'll take you there 
Get you going like ah-ooh 
Baby baby ooh baby baby 
Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby 
If you want it done right 
Hope you're ready to go all night 
Get you going like ah-ooh 
Baby baby ooh baby baby 
Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby 
If you wanna scream 

Out, louder, scream louder 
Louder, louder, louder 
Hey, tonight I scream, I'm on need 

Beat break 

If you wanna scream, yeah 
Let me know and I'll take you there 
Get you going like ah-ooh 
Baby baby ooh baby baby 
Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby 
If you want it done right 
Hope you're ready to go all night 
Get you going like ah-ooh 
Baby baby ooh baby baby 
Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby 
If you wanna scream 

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