Tom Russell

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Rambler Gambler Teclado

Tom Russell



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Rambler Gambler

(Joan Baez/Traditional)


Intro: G 

verse 1 

I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler 
      C                D 
I'm a long way from my home 
    G                 Em 
You people, you don't like me 
           Am        D 
Well, just leave me alone    

verse 2 
For it's a dark night and it's raining 
          C             D 
Lord, the moon gives no light 
   G                 Em 
My pony can't hardly travel 
        Am          D 
On this dark road tonight 

verse 3 
You know I once had me a sweetheart 
     C                    D 
Lord, her age was just sixteen 
            G         Em 
She was the flower of Belton 
            Am        D 
She was the rose of Saline 

verse 4 
But her parents they didn't like me 
    C                  D 
And now she's gone the same 
      G             Em 
If I'm writ on your book, love 
         Am          D 
Just you blot out my name 

Verse 5 
And there's changes in the weather 
            C              D 
And there's changes in the sea 
        G          Em 
There's changes in my true love 
          Am                 D 
But there ain't no change in me 

Verse 6 
I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler 
      C                D 
I'm a long way from my home 
    G                 Em 
You people, you don't like me 
           Am        D 
Well, just leave me alone 

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