The Dublin City Ramblers

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Dublin In My Tears Teclado

The Dublin City Ramblers



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Dublin In My Tears


I have travelled many lands,and I still don't understand 
  C                             Am          D 
How sad you have become on my return 
Your poor heart is filled with care,sad and old they left you there 
        D                    D7            G 
Your once bright eyes with sorrow softly burn 
        C                            G        
I can even sense the change in the sound of childrens games 
         D                    D7                 G                 G7  
And the dreams of youth's ambitions have all turned to doubt and fear 
           C                              G             
It's an  age of wealth Im told but I've never felt so old 
   D              D7          G 
As I recall old Dublin in my tears 

All the  faces that I meet as I roam each one way street 
 C                               Am          D 
Reflect the empty statements of our time 
And the  old cathedral bell can't be heard above the swell 
        D                    D7            G 
For the  years arranged a message in her chimes 
C                            G        
All my childhood friends are gone,like the street where I was born 
         D                    D7            G          G7  
And the  time that it has taken doesn't  seem so long ago 
           C                              G             
They have faded in the gloom like 'Sap Kelly' from the Coombe 
          D              D7                G 
Like the ghost of dear old Dublin in my  tears. 

There were times when jobs were few,there were hungry days we knew 
 C                               Am          D 
Some days so bad their memory I've cursed 
And the  prayer I said to God,there on board the Princess Maud 
        D                    D7            G 
That our children would restore the pride we lost 
C                            G        
But the  past we all forsake while we're dancing at her wake 
         D                    D7          G           G7         
And the  heart of Dublin's dying,but no body seems to care, 
           C                              G             
And the  fools as they pass by,laugh to see an old man cry 
       D              D7             G 
But I can't forget old Dublin in my tears 

Gather round brave men and true,though our numbers may be few 
 C                               Am                   D 
We'll drink one toast before I cross the foam 
For soon in London's dark domain,I'll recall how I became 
        D                    D7            G 
No more a stranger there that here at home 
C                            G        
But the  liffey flows along and I listen for her song 
         D                    D7                 G         G7  
And the  voice of young James Larkin seems to echo in my ears 
           C                              G             
But its  just the rafters ring,to it's requiem I'll sing 
   D              D7          G 
Farewell to dear old Dublin in my tears, 
   D              D7                C    G...... 
Farewell to dear old Dublin in my tears .. 

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