The Boxer Rebellion

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Diamonds Teclado

The Boxer Rebellion



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(Adam Harrison, Piers John Towler Hewitt, Todd William Howe, Nathan Ward Nicholson)

Tono:  Gm Más
Diamonds Key DmDm
Diamonds Key D#mD#m
Diamonds Key EmEm
Diamonds Key FmFm(Disminuir uno tono)
Diamonds Key F#mF#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Diamonds Key GmGm(tono original)
Diamonds Key G#mG#m(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Diamonds Key AmAm(Aumentar uno tono)
Diamonds Key A#mA#m
Diamonds Key BmBm
Diamonds Key CmCm
Diamonds Key C#mC#m
	  Gm                          F Dm 
Pretty little thing did you feel something 
Did you always want me to be something 
To mend a broken a heart 
                        F Dm 
From a Devil of shallow nonsense 
Turned your world upside down 

Whatever said that it'd mean something 
Whatever said that it'd mean nothing 
And did I look the part 
When it's all said and done 
When it's all said and done 

Bb                         F 
I'm no good next to Diamonds 
When I'm too close to start to fade 
Are you angry with me now 
Are you angry cause I'm to blame 

I'm no good next to Diamonds 
When I'm too close to start to fade 
Are you angry with me now 
Are you angry cause I'm to blame 

Never wanna hide the truth from you 
Just hang my head what I put you through 
I wasn't good enough 
When what's done is done love 
When it's all said and done 

But I'm 

No good next to Diamonds 
When I'm too close to start to fade 
Are you angry with me now 
Are you angry cause I'm to blame 

'Cause I fall away 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 

I'm no good next to Diamonds 
When I'm too close to start to fade 
Are you angry with me now 
Are you angry cause I'm to blame 

I'm no good next to Diamonds 
When I'm too close to start to fade 
Are you angry with me now 
Are you angry cause I'm to blame 

'Cause I fall away 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 
Further than I ever was 

I have no words 

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