The Babies

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That Boy Teclado

The Babies



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That Boy

Tono:  E Más
That Boy Key BB
That Boy Key CC
That Boy Key C#C#
That Boy Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
That Boy Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
That Boy Key EE(tono original)
That Boy Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
That Boy Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
That Boy Key GG
That Boy Key G#G#
That Boy Key AA
That Boy Key A#A#

That boy and his heartache 
That boy and his heartache 
That boy and his heartache 
That boy and his heartache 
Don't don't don't, don't you come talk to me 
Blind as a bat when it comes to the birds 
and the bees 
                       A              E 
Why do you think, I wear holes in my jeans? 
                        A                     E 
oh, don't don't don't, don't you come talk to me. 

This world and its heartbreak 
That world and its heartbreak 
His world and his heartbreak 
oh, and her world and her heartbreak 
                    A                     E 
don't don't don't, don't you come talk to me 
best friend died, don't you see? 
his mother came, and lied down next to me 
                        A                     E 
oh, don't don't don't, don't you come talk to me. 

and, oh lord it's like an earthquake 
oh lord it's like an earthquake 
oh lord it's like an earthquake 
oh lord it's like an earthquake 
                     A                   E 
sometimes i get so scared that i can't breathe 
and the ground moves right out from 
beneath my feet 
A                                            E 
Oh, don't don't don't, don't you come talk to me 

Just cut me a break 
wont you Just cut me a break 
just cut me a break 
wont you just cut me a break 

A  E  A  E  A  E  A  E 


Just make those hips shake 
Just make those hips shake 
Just make those hips shake, for me. 


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