Slim Dusty

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Under The Spell Of Highway One Teclado

Slim Dusty



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Under The Spell Of Highway One

(Grahame Rodger)

I got this big rig rollin' down Highway One, 
                                             E    G A 
Heading South from the Northern Queensland sun. 

I got a woman playing on my mind, 
I'm in a mess and there's just no time  
    D                                          A 
to think about things and the way in might of been. 

The white line cast fits deadly spell on me, 
                                                E    G A 
I need some strong black coffee and a bight to eat. 

Been on the road since late last week, 
I really need a good night sleep, 
    D                          A 
And maybe I'll begin to understand. 

G                   D 
Slippin' under the spell of the Highway, 
I feel I'm gonna go under, 
G             D                 A 
I feel like a man who's on the run. 
G                   D 
Slippin' under the spell of the Highway, 
My heart is beating like thunder, 
G                   D                 A 
Slippin' under the spell of Highway One. 

Been pushing this old rig more than I should, 
                                   E     G A 
I'd give the game away if only I could. 

I've got a king sized overdraft, 
And a woman who haunts me from the past, 
    D                                           A 
And I'm beginning to wonder if it's all worthwhile. 

Gotta get this load in right on time, 
                                          E     G A  
I can't afford to loose this contract of mine.  

I'm praying this old rig will last, 
I'm loosing concentration fast, 
         D                                  A 
And if tomorrow ever comes it won't be too late. 

G                   D 
Slippin' under the spell of the Highway, 
I feel I'm gonna go under, 
G             D                 A 
I feel like a man who's on the run. 
G                   D 
Slippin' under the spell of the Highway, 
My heart is beating like thunder, 
G                   D                 A 
Slippin' under the spell of Highway One. 


G                   D 
Slippin' under the spell of the Highway, 
I feel I'm gonna go under, 
G             D                 A 
I feel like a man who's on the run. 
G                   D 
Slippin' under the spell of the Highway, 
My heart is beating like thunder, 
G                   D                 A 
Slippin' under the spell of Highway One. 
G                   D                 A 
Slippin' under the spell of Highway One. 

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