Shovels And Rope

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The Devil Is All Around Teclado

Shovels And Rope



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The Devil Is All Around


         C                            G 
When the devil is all around, got you crawlin' on the ground 
On your hands and your knees with an apple in your mouth 
         C                   G     D                    G 
You will know how far you'll go to make your peace with god 

        G                           C        G 
I got a-wasted and I sat around the fire all day 
               C         G           D 
See if I could find some one to make love to 
                  G                          C       G 
And I barely even noticed how the fibers did tear away 
         C      G       D 
From the fabric of my being 

    C      G             D 
But nobody knows it like you do, babe 
C      G             D 
Nobody knows it like you do 
C      G             D       Em 
Nobody knows it like you do, babe 
    C          D       G 
The lengths we will go to... 

                 G                         C     G 
I going down the long road, maybe it's the wrong road 
                       C       G        D 
Either way I've got to find my way back home again 
                     G                            C  G 
And it's too late to turn back now, gotta get the ??? 
      C         G              D 
gotta find some way to make it right, oh 

    C      G             D 
But nobody knows it like you do, babe 
C      G             D 
Nobody knows it like you do 
C      G             D       Em 
Nobody knows it like you do, babe 
    C          D       G 
The lengths we will go to... 

                         G                 C 
There must be some other way, I just don't know 
                       G               C 
How to get myself back up on that high road 
           G                 D 
But nobody knows it like you do 

                  G                      C      G 
So I'm gonna be a good man, gonna do the best I can 
             C          G          D 
Though I'm a shell of a man that I once was 
                 G               C       G 
And if I find forgiveness in the eyes of god 
      C       G        D 
It'll be hard won, I assure you 

               C                            G 
Cause when the devil is all around, got you crawling on the ground 
On your hands and your knees with and apple in your mouth 
         C                   G     D                    G 
You will know how far you'll go to make your peace with god 
               C                   G     D                    G 
Yeah, you will know how far you'll go to make your peace with god 

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