Scouting For Girls

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The Light Between Us Teclado

Scouting For Girls



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The Light Between Us

	  C                             F                             C 
Theres too much light between us, and Im trying to mind the Gap. 
                  F                             Dm 
Id do anything to fix us, not just paper up the cracks. 
                  G                           Dm 
Sliding doors are closing; did I let you get away? 
                     G                         C 
Theres light in this tunnel, but I think its a train. 

C          G             Am 
Somethings missing in my heart, 
        G             F 
Its the bit where you are, 
I need you back, 
G                      C 
Please Please mind the gap. 

C G                  Am               
I dont know where to start, 
      G              F 
Never been this far apart. 
I need you back 
Please, please mind the gap, 

Am                    F 
The light between us, the light between us 
C                    G 
The light between us grows and grows and grows 

Am                    F 
The light between us, the light between us 
C                    G 
The light between us grows and grows and 

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