Rue Royale

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Set Out To Discover Teclado

Rue Royale



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Set Out To Discover


Not long until we're there it's in the air 

How long until we're there  
                Bb              Ab 
I wouldn't dare speculate the journey ahead 

I've heard the heavens are storm-less there 
                                 Bb              Ab 
We've left a dried up river bed heading for the promise land 

I've got a glass jar of memories 

I've been collecting old tragedies 
        Bb     Ab 
I've heard of remedies 

 Cm                             Eb 
And we set out to discover the remedies  
 Cm                                 Eb 
And we'll stay out until we run into remedies 

We've chosen quiet ways around the bend 
We've sought alternate ways in our head 
  Bb             Ab 
We've taken consequence 

I'll drive the sun is burning or eyes 

You drive us through the night, tired eyes 
 Bb            Ab 
Hoping our bearing's right 

 Cm                             Eb 
And we set out to discover the remedies  
 Cm                                 Eb 
And we'll stay out until we run into remedies 

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