Rock South Park Metal

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From The Inside Teclado

Rock South Park Metal



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From The Inside



I don't know who to trust 
No surprise 
Everyone feels so far away from me 
Heavy thoughts sift through dust 
And the lies 

Trying not to break 
But I'm so tired of this deceit 
Every time I try to make myself get back upon my feet 
All I ever think about is this 
All the timing time between 
And how trying to put my trust in you 
Just takes so much out of me 
  C#5     E5              A5 
Take everything from the inside 
     F#5      G#5 
And throw it all away 
  C#5     E5              A5 
'Cause I swear, for the last time 
I won't trust myself with you 

Riff 2): 
Tension is building inside, steadily 
(Everyone feels so far away from me) 
Heavy thoughts forcing their way out of me 

(Riff 2): 
Trying not to break, 
But I'm so tired of this deceit 
Every time I try to make myself 
Get back up on my feet 
All I ever think about is this 
All the tiring time between and how 
Trying to put my trust in you 
Just takes so much out of me 

(Riff 1): 
C#5        E5              A5 
Take everything from the inside 
     F#5     G#5  C#5 
And throw it all away 
         E5            A5 
Cause I swear for the last time 
         F#5     G#5 
I won't trust myself with 
C#5 C#5  C#5 C#5 (4X) 

(Duas vezes): 
(C#5  C#5  C#5  C#5) 
(C#5  D  C#5  C#5  C#5  C#5) 
(C#5  D  C#5  C#5  C#5  C#5) 
(C#5  D  C#5  C#5  C#5  C#5  C#5  C#5)  
(C#5  C#5) 
I won't waste myself on you!!! 
Waste myself on you!!! 

(Riff 1): 
I'll take everything from the inside 
     F#5     G#5  C#5 
And throw it all away 
         E5            A5 
Cause I swear for the last time 
         F#5     G#5      C#5 
I won't trust myself with you 

        E5             A5 
Everything from the inside 
     F#5     G#5  C#5 
And throw it all away 
         E5            A5 
Cause I swear for the last time 
         F#5     G#5      C#5 C#5  C#5 C#5 
I won't trust myself with you 
C#5 C#5  C#5 C#5 
C#5 C#5  C#5 C#5 

(C#5 C#5  C#5 C#5) 

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