Reneé Rapp

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I Hate Boston Teclado

Reneé Rapp



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I Hate Boston

(Alexander Glantz / Delacey / Ian Fitchuk / Lucy Healey / Reneé Rapp / Rob Bisel)

	  Intro:  Bm  D  A  E 
        Bm  D  A  E 

Bm            D      A                     E 
I was just a tourist, you got to be a big hometown hero 
Bm               D      A                     E 
Made you feel important, still stuck in your high school yearbook 

Bm               D               A                     E 
Why'd we have to cover so much ground? you showed me around 
   Bm             D                       A                  E 
As far as I'm concerned they should just burn the whole city down 

A G How'd you make me hate Boston? D A It's not its fault that you don't love me A G Had its charm, but it lost it D A It's not its fault just a casualty Bm A And casual's the way you chose to leave
Bm D A E Hid me in your basement, god forbid, you're not the center of attention Bm D A E Family confrontation probably started 'cause my name was mentioned Bm D A E I heard your father's sleepin' on the couch, he sure got around Bm D A E As far as I'm concerned they should just burn the whole city down
A G How'd you make me hate Boston? D A It's not its fault that you don't love me A G Had its charm, but it lost it D A It's not its fault just a casualty A G How'd you make me hate Boston? D A The whole thing is haunted, how do you sleep? A G Oh, when you held me hostage Bm D A You must be exhausted, don't you miss me?
Final: Bm D A And casual's the way you chose to leave Bm D A And you're all over every single street

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